What Sets Me Apart?

     Every artist is their own kind of artist, and express that in their own way. I believe that all artists stand out in their own way, and I am going to be going into what makes me stand out from other artists.

     As a graphic designer, I believe I do a lot that makes me stand out from other artists. I love to play and experiment with bold and bright colors. And I think that a lot of artists like the more minimalistic feel to their pieces, which is wonderful and makes them stand out from people like me who love the color. I also always try to put my all into each piece that I make, especially when it's a more artistic piece than a corporate type piece.

     As a traditional media artist, I also feel like I stand out for multiple reasons. I really do put my entire heart and soul into the art that I make. It is not completely about just making art to me, it's about telling a story or showing something. I make my art more for myself than anything, I make it because I love art and I love making art. I get a sense of satisfaction from being artistic or making art, and I think it shows in the work that I do. 

     Since enrolling in college, I do much less personal art-making and more and more school-related work. So, when I do get the chance to work on some art for myself, I really have somewhere to channel all of my creative energy for the moment.

     I feel like the times where I do get to make some fun art for me or my friends, it really shows that it's something special for me. I know I can tell a difference in my art. I can see the passion that I really put into it, the love that I have for what I'm making and who or what I'm making it for.

     Most artists would argue that all people that make art do this and put themselves into what they make, but I really do not believe everyone makes art for the same reasons. I think this because if someone really puts themselves and their all into what they're doing, you can always tell. It always has that wow factor that gives it an edge or upper hand.

     Everyone's opinion is different and everyone's view of what is and is not good art is different but whether or not someone thinks my art is good or not, I know they can tell I really cared about what I was making.

     With my traditional media work, as well, even though I make American Traditional pieces I think my interpretation of the style is what sets my work apart from other traditional artists. This is mostly due to me mixing some of my favorite styles together to make my own. I do kind of a mix of American Traditional, Neotraditional, and Stylistic. This makes me stand out from other artists that make work in those styles, because mine is really my own, and I do change my style slightly with each piece I make.
